How to Use Instagram & Boost Your Business

You should think of any social media profile page like a shop window. What make’s Instagram so good as a marketing tool is that you can do much more decorating. You can attract users by showing them the latest images and use colour to create an inviting atmosphere. You have to use the best pictures. The new profiles on Instagram feature a rotating display of recently shared photographs just above your profile and bio – so make sure you are updating it often. However, keep looking at your profile and update it by relevant photos. There is no point taking photos of snowboarders if your company sells candies or paper gifts!
Get followers.
Instagram for business works the same as other social media platforms, so you need to understand how to get more followers on Instagram. Compelling images drive traffic is certainly a good way. These are the ones that capture a person’s attention and generate excitement. For instance the music magazine Billboard recently did a ‘Day in the Life’ feature and took photos of One Direction backstage. We understand you might not have and the world’s biggest boy band at your disposal,but you have to post create pictures, like shots of people using that product.Just make sure they at least look like they’re enjoying it and don’t forget to share!
Set Up a Trap.
You can use Twitter and Facebook to involve people onto your Instagram. Facebook obviously has a vested interest in joining the two, but it is now easier than ever to use your Twitter. What’s more, it doesn’t matter if someone has a different @username on Twitter because Instagram will link the two up either way. It is important to reward people who follow your Instagram page. Ask individual questions and comment on other peoples photographs – if you want people to invest time in you.
Run an Instagram Contest.
By showing people compelling images of the business it gets them excited and asking them to contribute makes the campaign interactive and a competition makes people really want to get involved. One thing to remember is that online social marketing can be used to create an offline social event. Example to promote their new show Vegas, CBS held an InstaMeet on the film set in Santa Clara, giving people behind the scenes tours and exclusive access to actors.
General Electric (GE) recently ran an Instagram campaign and showed their followers the inner workings of the company, taking people right to the heart of their research labs, factory floors and places where their products could be seen in action. They also challenged their followers to take photos of the company’s four ways of working – Building, Powering, Moving and Curing – and asked them to share their own images that best described those terms. The person who share the best image was then offered the position of the official GE Instagram photographer.This multi-layered and effective campaign really boosts business.


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