Twitter for your business

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a real-time information network where people can discover what’s happening in the world right now, share information instantly and connect with people and businesses around the globe.
With over 300 million monthly active users and 500 million Tweets sent every day, Twitter offers your business an opportunity to reach potential customers interested in what you have to offer.
What’s more, 80% of users on Twitter are accessing it via a mobile device. There is a real opportunity for businesses to reach potential customers no matter where they are or what they’re doing.

How your business can use Twitter?

Businesses across the globe are finding value in Twitter. How organizations use the platform varies, but here’s a few suggestions for different ways your business could get value from Twitter:
  • Listen and learn. Find out what’s going on in your industry and what your customers are interested in. UseTwitter searchto listen to the relevant conversations that are happening and jump in where you can add value.
  • Drive awareness. Raise the profile of your business and increase the impact of your marketing by using Twitter to regularly communicate with your followers. Extend your reach even further with Twitter Ads.
  • Provide customer service. 73% of SMB Twitter users said Twitter provides them with a quick way to reply to customer service issues.* Use it to quickly and easily respond to support queries and to develop a good reputation for your business and strong relationships with customers. 
  • Connect with influencers. Twitter breaks down the barriers and enables you to connect with anyone. It’s a great way of joining or even starting discussions with influencers and industry experts to raise the profile of your business and build valuable connections.


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